MOSSwall® is Australia’s first and only fire-rated preserved moss panels.
We provide architects, builders, and specifiers with a secure preserved moss green wall product that inspires confidence in its usage. MOSSwall® represents Australia’s pioneering fire-rated preserved moss panels, having obtained an official Group 1 Fire Rating through rigorous testing aligned with International and Australian industry standards, including AS ISO 9705-2003 and AS 5637.1:2015.
Our MOSSwall® Standard and MOSSwall® FLEXi panels underwent the ISO 9705 test, assessing the fire safety of internal wall and ceiling products. We are delighted to inform you that the MOSSwall® panel has achieved a Group 1 Fire Rating, signifying its safety for utilization across various industries throughout Australia.
The rationale behind our testing stems from client demand, particularly from industries with stringent regulations, such as aged care, healthcare, and education. These sectors prioritize safety and refuse to accept products that pose any risk to their facilities. Thus, our objective was to provide them with a fire-resistant green wall solution, simplifying their decision-making process. While offering aesthetically pleasing and cost-effective products is important, ensuring their safety for all Australians is paramount.
For additional insights into how this development can benefit your forthcoming projects, please explore the resources provided below, which elaborate on our dedication to delivering fire-safe products.
MOSSwall® Standard and MOSSwall® FLEXi panels took the ISO 9705 test, which determines whether internal walls and ceiling products are fire safe. We’re thrilled to tell you that the MOSSwall® panel has now reached a Group 1 Fire Rating, which means it’s safe to use in many industries across Australia.
Full Room burn Test Start.
Full Room burn Test at 12min and 36sec.
What Group Fire Numbers are?
Group numbers, also called Fire Group numbers or Material Group numbers, are a requirement of the BCA/ NCC 2019, for all internal linings of commercial buildings in Australia.
This requirement is listed in Part C1.10 and Specification C1.10 of the National Construction Code 2019, and references AS5637.1 as the Australian Standard that will determine the Fire Group number of any wall or ceiling lining or lining system.
(These groups are also referred to as BCA Group Ratings or Fire Rating Group numbers.)
This specification explains what parts of a building are required to be Group 1, 2 or 3 Fire Rating. A Group 4 Fire Rating, which is another possible outcome of the testing systems, cannot be used in commercial buildings (Types 2 to 9 buildings).
Note that you can use a lower Group number than what is specified; for example, if Fire Group 3 is required, you can also use Fire Group 1 or Fire Group 2.
ISO9705 - Fire test allowed under AS5637.1
This is a full room burn test, and involves lining three walls and the ceiling of the test room with the lining product. The framing and fixing system used in this test should replicate what is used in construction as far as possible, but this is not always done, thus affecting the result in favor of the supplier. These test reports need to be checked carefully to ensure they match what is being supplied for the project. All MOSSwall® fire testing has been done to match the likely fixing scenario you will have on site, regardless of how this may affect the outcome of the fire test.